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Helping our clients to save valuable time

At Matchpoint Recruitment one of our most important priorities is to make life easier for our clients and In our last blog we examined how using a professional recruitment agency can be surprisingly good value for money.

In this blog we take a look at that most important of commodities: ‘time’ and how we can help busy businesses to save vital minutes, hours and even days by managing their recruitment processes speedily and efficiently.


Helping you to free-up time!


The value of time

We touched on this in our ‘Value for Money’ blog but managing recruitment in-house uses up lots of valuable time which both your HR department and business teams could put to better use.

Accurately measuring the extent of this can be difficult, but the amount of effort that is required to coordinate activity, manage the communications and paperwork, and ensure the right levels of business input can be considerable.

The process can also lead to frustration for business colleagues who have too many conflicting priorities!


Conflicting priorities!


Handling recruitment in-house can also extend the process, as keeping everything moving forward is often a challenge. Internal hold-ups can create the very real risk that the best candidates will be snapped up in the interim and you will miss out.


Efficient processes

HR departments know only too well how much time and effort is required to create job specs, advertise roles and then trawl through hundreds of CVs to sift out candidates who may be potential hires.

This is just the start of the process which then requires you to email or call individual candidates, organise interviews, shortlist and all of the necessary follow-ups.


Effective recruitment takes a lot of time


The expert Matchpoint Recruitment team can manage the process for you in a way which is speedy, efficient and effective.

This is broadly how it works:

  • We start with an initial discussion of the role and job spec from your brief
  • Our next step is to look at current candidates, advertise the role or headhunt if necessary
  • Next we provide you with a concise and easy to access shortlist of highly relevant candidates. As we indicated in our ‘Expert Knowledge’ blog, this really adds value to the process and saves you from having to look through sometimes hundreds of CVs. We do this all the time so we are experts.
  • All you need to do is name the date and time of interview(s) and we take care of communications with the candidate
  • When you are ready to make a job offer, we carry out the necessary negotiations on your behalf

Your internal processes are only required for the formal job offer and onboarding, which should make life considerably easier.


Making the wrong choice

In our ‘Value for Money’ blog we pointed out that making the wrong hire can be expensive. It can also be hugely time consuming as well, meaning that you may need to repeat the entire process all over again.




Do you want to add value to your recruitment process with the expert support of Matchpoint Recruitment?

You can find out more about how we support our clients or get in touch with us for further information.

We will be delighted to discuss your requirements and provide you with support and guidance.